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Powerpoint Tip - How to export slide notes as a text file?

열린세계 2022. 7. 24. 19:18


I don't understand why Microsoft doesn't develop a function to save the slide notes in the several slides of the powerpoint as a single text file.

if there are many number of pages, it is very cumbersome to copy and paste the slide node in the each slide.


Here is a good solution!

if you use the bas file (VBA script) in this article, you can easily save the slide notes as a single text file easily!


1. execute powerpoint

2. Alt + F11 (execute VBA )

3. menu) File - Import File...  and select the bas file

4. F5 (Execute)

5. click 'Execute' Button

6. Input the text file name such as temp

7. the contents of the slide notes are saved in temp.txt

