How to Calculate how long it takes to sober up?
When we had to drink and drive next morning.
We are often worried about whether or not we sober up?
It’s the best not to drive in the morning at all,
Sometimes we have to...
According to the newspaper
In case of male,
1. Beer 2000cc 5~6 hours
2. 1 bottle of wine 6-7 hours
But it varies from person to person.
The most commonly used way is the formula of Widmark 9, which is also used by the police.
How to Calculate Blood Alcohol Content (Widmark Formula)
Blood alcohol content (BAC) can be calculated with simple information such as a person's weight, gender, and the amount of alcohol consumed in a given period. The most common formula for calculating BAC in this way is known as the Widmark...
But this formula is too complex.
So, let me propose a simplef method to Calculate how long it takes to sober up?
the amount that you drank (ml) x alcohol (%)/1000 (hours)
(This is for mail... for femail multiply 1.3 (increase 30%))
If you drink 1 bottle (330ml) of beverage (16%),
330x16/1000 = 5. 28 hours (for male... for female : 6.83)
If you drink half bottle of wine (375ml) (14%)
375x14/1000 = 5.25 hours
in case of 1000ml of beer (5%)
1000x5/1000= 5 hours
For simple calculation, you don't need to divide the numbers by 1000.
just multiply the volume and % and check the first number
330x16/1000 = 5. 28 hours --> 33x16 = 528 -> more than 5 hours...
Please drink safely!!